Social Worker counseling

Our Social Worker informs and advises families about the aids available for their children’s disabilities, offering counseling during the application process, and providing financial assistance information for each procedure.

Social work is a profession that employs a methodological approach to enhance people’s quality of life. The social worker at Fundación Querer engages with families of children and adolescents, both with and without disabilities, taking into consideration the concerns, needs, motivations, and fears of these families. Their goal is to ensure that the children’s development into adulthood leads to a fulfilling and comprehensive life.

The advisory consultations primarily focus on promoting community resources, especially those related to the unit, scholarships for students with special educational needs, and disabilities, among other available resources. The team provides guidance and information on the procedures for assessing the degree of dependence and disability in both in-person and online appointments. Additionally, they inform individuals about the available assistance and benefits to which they may be entitled.

Families who visit our Counseling and Early Care Center can benefit from support provided under the “Ley de Dependencia”, through the «Prestación Económica Vinculada al Servicio» (Cheque Servicio). This monthly financial assistance is designed to partially or fully cover the costs of the necessary services for the family.


Our social work team in the office offers attentive listening and patience, providing ongoing support and guidance to ensure that families feel accompanied at all times.

Ask us your questions

    +34 690 740 566

    Conoce a nuestra trabajadora social

    Cristina Herencia

    Trabajadora social


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