Child and juvenile psychology and psychological support for parents

From infancy to puberty, the child and adolescent psychologist examines children’s behavior. This branch of psychology focuses on physical, motor, cognitive, perceptual, affective, and social development, as well as the prevention of childhood developmental illnesses and learning disabilities, as well as the stimulation of every child’s skills and potential.

Child and youth psychology aims to improve a child’s or adolescent’s self-esteem, stimulate their growth, and provide them with useful tools to help them grow into healthy adults.

Because families are such an important aspect of child and adolescent psychology, the psychologist’s responsibility is to provide parents with direction and training so that they can deal with their child or adolescent’s challenges.

The child or adolescent psychologist treats emotional, social, or family concerns, behavioral issues, a lack of social skills, self-esteem issues, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), learning disabilities (dyslexia, dyscalculia, and so on), traumas, fears, and phobias.

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    +34 690 740 566

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