Neuropsychology and cognitive stimulation in childhood
The child neuropsychologist examines the nervous system development of a kid or adolescent to learn what happens in the brain and to find connections with dysfunctions and emotional and cognitive disorders.
Neuropsychology is a clinical profession that combines psychology and neurology to treat central nervous system dysfunctions that have psychological, emotional, and behavioral implications.
A neuropsychologist assesses, monitors, and stimulates children with difficulties in sensory and motor skills, attention and concentration, memory and executive function, language skills, visuospatial skills, and academic skills (reading or mathematics).
Anticipar, dar autonomía y distraer: pautas para viajar en avión con una persona con discapacidad intelectual
Muchas familias descartan realizar viajes de larga distancia por el temor a los posibles conflictos que puedan surgir a la hora de viajar en avión con una persona con discapacidad intelectual. No obstante, tal y [...]