
The physiotherapist in Pediatric Physiotherapy works from a family-centered approach so that family members can use what they have learnt in different settings (home, school, park, swimming pool, etc.).

Physiotherapy for the respiratory system:

It is a specialist method that includes a variety of techniques for the prevention, treatment, and management of obstructive, restrictive, chronic, or acute lung illnesses.

Bronchiolitis, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract catarrh, asthma, cystic fibrosis, neuromuscular illnesses, degenerative diseases, bone changes or abnormalities affecting the rib cage or specific muscles, hypotonia, preterm, and other conditions may benefit from this therapy.

The neurodevelopment during the first years of life is the focus of physiotherapy:

Pediatric physiotherapy seeks to prevent, stabilize, improve, or normalize neurodevelopment in children.

Essentially, for children aged 0 to 6, to discover problems in the neurodevelopment of motor cognition as soon as possible.

For children suffering from hypotonia, preterm, psychomotor delay, developmental delay, congenital torticollis, congenital diseases, children who have had surgery, and so on.

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    Physiotherapy for children with neurological disorders:

    Approach the problem from the Bobath perspective.

    For children with neurodevelopmental problems, hypotonia, disorders (neuromuscular, degenerative, mitochondrial, metabolic, and so on), pre/peri/post-natal brain injury, and any other manifestation that may impair movement.


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