February is Rare Disease Awareness Month. Stay tuned for our QUICK TIPS, which will help us comprehend rare diseases and reflect the lives of those affected by them. Help us restore their rights so that we can enhance their standard of living. Share and collaborate. And you, are you extraordinarily rare?

Did you know 7% of the globe has a rare disease?

Rare diseases have several symptoms that differ within and between diseases. Clinical signs of the same illness differ greatly. About 5,000 to 7,000 uncommon diseases exist today.

What is the prevalence of uncommon diseases? According to the International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC), between 2010 and 2020, 886 new rare diseases were identified.

What diseases are they, and what are their symptoms? What causes rare diseases? Although the precise origins of these diseases are unknown, it is estimated that 70% of them have a genetic basis.

Rare, like a four-leaf treble in 10,000.

Learn more about rare diseases. Share!

The more than 7,000 rare diseases represent a diagnostic challenge in Neuropediatrics consultations. “The approach must be multidisciplinary and individualized for each patient in order to provide precision medicine that enhances their quality of life,” says Eva Arias, Neuropediatrician at the San Carlos Clinical Hospital and at the Fundación Querer.

Do you know rare disease symptoms in children?

In case of suspicion, what happens? How to diagnose early and accurately?

Find out how newborn screening improved early diagnosis in Spain.

Exceptionally rare, give rare diseases wings by sharing.

Rare diseases, which are extremely uncommon, present both obstacles and opportunities. At QUICKTIPS, we provide a selection of them. Learn how medical and scientific research is creating new treatment options. Learn more about this important topic and how you can make a difference by joining us on this journey.

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